


preliminary information only details may change

Saturday, January , 2026 – 8:30 a.m. to (??)

John R. Albers Center

Cretin-Derham Hall High School

555 Hamline Ave. S

St. Paul MN 55116

From the intersection of Randolph Ave. and Hamline Ave. S, take Hamline southward for 3 blocks. The parking lot entrance is on the west side of Hamline Ave. opposite Watson St.

Doors open at 8:30 for equipment check in, the sale starts at 9:30.

We offer Sellers an option of listing worthy equipment for the LIVE auction or a Silent auction for the smaller or less important items. The Silent Auction will end at 12:00 so result tabulations can be finished on time.

If you would like to donate Ham related items to be sold at the auction, or if you would like to have items listed and advertised before the auction, or if you have any questions about the auction, please contact Dale Maroushek, at 651-777-5309.

Limited refreshments will be available. Volunteer Auctioneers and Helpers are welcome and needed. Yes, we need new people to keep this Auction going. Most of the current staff is over used. Please volunteer and learn the simple steps we take to make us the best sale in Minnesota.


Please read and familiarize yourself with these rules. As with any event involving the exchange of funds there are certain rules that must be followed.

Net proceeds from the auction will be donated to

The ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund!

Registration of equipment and issuance of bidder numbers and lot tags starts at 8:30 a.m.      There is no charge for buyers or sellers.

Most small items should be placed in the silent auction; Sellers may elect to place more significant items in the live auction. Registration will be limited to 20 lots per seller. Auction officials may combine lots of similar equipment by the same seller with their permission.

A seller may set a minimum bid for silent auction items to be written on the blue bid slip.  Lots not receiving the minimum of any bid will be returned to the sellers without charge and sellers must take all unsold items with them.

A seller may specify a reserve price for Live auction items. If bidding does not reach the reserve, the bidder will be offered the item at the reserve amount. If they decline, the seller will be offered an opportunity to remove the reserve and complete the sale. Lots not receiving the reserve bid will be returned to the seller without charge and they must remove unsold items. Sellers will be charged a 10% commission on items.

Subject to the Auctioneers discretion, minimum incremental bidding is set at:

                   Current Bid                   Minimum Increment

                Less than $25                                 $1

                $25 to $100                                   $5

                $100 and up                                 $10

The live auction will start about 9:30 and continue until each lot is sold, is left unsold, or until terminated by ruling of the SPRC President and/or the Auction Committee Chair.  Bidding in the silent auction will end at 1200.

Buyers may be required to show proof of a current, valid Amateur Radio License for the purchase of transmitters and amplifiers.

All buyer and seller transactions with the Saint Paul Radio Club must be completed on the day of the auction. Personal checks will be accepted with proper identification.

No equipment will be allowed off the auction premises without proof of ownership. Items will be checked against your paid sheet at the exit.

The Saint Paul Radio Club does NOT warrant the condition of any item placed at auction, will not be responsible for items lost, stolen or damaged and reserves the right to limit quantities. Personal sales or exchange of items will not be permitted until after the Auction is completed.