Saint Paul Radio Club Banquet

SPRC Banquet 2025
Our 2024 Banquet turned out well so we will be returning to Jameson’s Irish Bar (886
Smith Ave S, West St Paul, MN) for the 2025 Banquet. It will be the same private room
which works for groups under 40 people. No buffet, but they do a plated service with a
choice of chicken, steak, or walleye (you must choose when you confirm your
attendance). I will bring a sheet cake for dessert. Coffee or water is available with the
meal and the bar is close by if you want purchase an alternative drink. The room should
be ready for us at 6:00 pm and we will plan on having the food brought out at 6:30. If
you show up a bit early, you can hang out near the bar. Our speaker will be Kevin
Szalapski, a Sport Pilot. He flies a light sport aircraft called a weight shift trike which is
equipped with an Icom radio to talk with other pilots and the tower. He’ll give a 15
minute talk about some of the adventures he has had flying the aircraft and show two
short videos of it in flight. To finish the night we’ll award the Member of the Year and
draw for a few door prizes.

Kevin Szalapski – Sport Pilot
Kevin flies a light sport aircraft called a weight shift trike. He and his friend Aaron have
been shooting little fun movies since they had super 8 film cameras in 1975. Their last
big cross country trip to Lake Superior gave them 2.5 hours of video which they edited
down to 12 minutes of an excellent story about their flight along the Superior shore. He
retired in 2011 after working for the State for 38 years as a Network Designer. He has
been flying for 23 years and is a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association.

What: SPRC 2025 Banquet
When: Saturday, April 26th 2025. 6:00 – 9:00ish PM
Where: Jameson’s Irish Bar, Murray Room. 886 Smith Ave S, West St Paul, MN

Cost: $30.00 per person (Please note the Club Board voted to drop the subsidy this
year. If you commit to attend please follow through with correct payment)
How do I sign up and pay: email me, Jay Maher at

Preferably by the
end of March but no later than April 15th. Let me know how many will be attending and
their names (for the door prize drawing) and entree choice(steak, walleye, or
chicken). Let me know if we need to arrange a vegetarian option. I will send you an
email confirmation. If you don’t receive a confirmation within a day or two, don’t
assume your email made it through – try again or call (612) 850-0810.

Please bring a
check (or correct cash amount in an envelope with your name) to the Banquet and don’t
try to mail beforehand.

Questions: email me at