Make your voice and signal heard. Whether you call or answer CQs stay active. There are numerous ways to keep Radio Active. Parks On The Air, Contests, Daily Nets are among the Activities to take part in.
I myself have been keeping my CW skills going through the weekly CWT sessions on Wednesdays. For more information go to and check it out.
I also take part in the USB propagation roundTable group on 17 meters which is held daily at 1100 CDT with pre check-ins starting at 1030 CDT. For information go to 17M Propagation Roundtable – The frequency is usually 18.165 MHz +/- depending on QRM.
This is not a net but an informal roundTable group that checks propagation conditions on 17 meters and makes use of remote SDR receivers to fill in when conditions do not allow for direct reception. Netlogger program is used as is a direct stream of those taking part. The group also briefly goes to 12m and 10 meters for a few minutes to check conditions . where you give out your call and listen for others, this takes place towards the end of the period prior to the final 73’s round where 73’s are given along with signal reports of those heard on the upper bands. The roundTable session usually lasts about an hour or so depending on the number of participants and band conditions. Goto NetLogger – Amateur Radio Logging Program for free software.