Meeting notice

NEXT MEETING: SPRC Holiday Party Friday January 3rd, 2025
6:00 PM Board Meeting (all are welcome to attend and observe)
7:00 PM Membership meeting, refreshments and socializing
7:30 PM Membership Meeting Followed by Program
Entrance to CDH for our meeting
Meetings are held at Cretin-Derham Hall High School located at the intersection of
Hamline and Randolph in St. Paul. Park in the lot off Hamline near the athletic field.
Enter door 21 at the Ryan STEM Center addition. The meeting room is down the hallway
on the right (the Commons). Door 21 will lock at 7:45; if you arrive after that, please
call Br. Bob at 612-201-0818 to be let in.
Our meetings are hybrid meetings. That means there will be an in-person meeting at
Cretin-Derham Hall (CDH) and a meeting on Zoom for those unable to attend in person.
Zoom meeting information can be found at the end of the newsletter.
The speaker at our January meeting will be our vice-president Kevin Welna, W5LNA, and
the topic will be about building a Ham Clock using a Raspberry PI computer.